Frontier Corps (FC Jobs) South-Balochistan Jobs 2020

 Frontier Corps (FC Jobs) Balochistan-South Jobs 2020

Frontier Corps FC South invites applications from qualified persons of Balochistan-South for the posts of  Soldier Clerk , Nursing Sepoy, AT Sepoy & Cook Sepoy, AT Sepoy & Cook Sepoy.


Physical Stds for All Cats.
(i)                Age                       -              17 - 23 yrs          
(ii)               Ht min                  -              5’-6”
(iii)              Chest                   -              31”-33”
Note:-   Relaxation for age limit upto 30 yrs in case of Cook Sep, Hajam, AT Sep, Dhobi and NCs(E) will be obtained from HQFC.
Registration Dates:  05 August to 09 August 2020

1.      Sequence of Selection.  Selection will be carried out as per fol sequence:-
a.               Scrutiny of Docus
(i)                Provisional/ Original civ edn certs.
(ii)               National Identity Card/ Form ‘B’.
(iii)              2 x passport size photographs.
(iv)              Domicile cert.
b.               Pre-medical test – to weed out indls having obvious disability/ disquals.
c.               Written test on the day of allotment of Index Nos (Preferably).
d.               Aptitude test.
e.               Preparation of merit list.
f.                Final approval of merit list.
g.               Issuance of appointment ltrs.

2.      Question papers will be prep by the president of rect board on the day of rect.
3.      Candidates must be Pakistani national. Moreover rect in GD category is restricted to respective tribe/ sub tribe as enunciated from time to time.
4.      Record of MOs who examine the candidates medically will also be maint for each rect.

5.      Proper tribewise record of each indl according to the specimen/ colms laid down in the medical chit will be maint by the MO and subsequently countersigned by the respective president of the rect board.

6.      The rects after arrival at units would be medically reexamined and their ht/chest etc would be again checked by the unit before commencement of their basic trg. Any discrepancies found would be reported within two weeks of date reporting of rects. Emphasis during this exam should be on serious/ chronic diseases like heart problems, hepatitis, blood complications, kidneys, TB etc.

7.      5 x photographs showing full name with father name duly attested/ stamped by civ adm i.e DCO, Nazim or Naib Nazim of respective area will be produced to rect board by the candidates before issuance of index no. These photographs will further be attested by rect board. 1 x photograph will be returned to the candidate for showing the same to rect board during physical, written test and med exam whereas the remaining photographs will be kept with the record of the candidates by the board/ respective unit. Index no will be issued and written on the back side of photograph with stamp of HQFC.

8.      Ineligibility
a.               Army res/ members of territorial forces.
b.               Ex-soldiers of FC (incl discharged at their own request/medical ground.
c.               Ex-soldiers/ deserter of Pak Army.
d.               Indls once selected and having not reported in their respective units for training.
